Sunday 15th September
A six-round Fide rated Rapid Tournament will be held on Sunday 15th September. Uxbridge
Chess Club will host this tournament in three sections -
Open, Major (U1600) and Minor (U1200).
Rate of play: 10 minutes per player plus 5 seconds per move from move one.
Entry fee: £25 for all sections. Discounted entry fee of £20 for paid members of Uxbridge Chess Club and £15 for Junior players born on or after 2012.
Venue: Our Lady of Lourdes and Saint Michael Hall, 1 Osborn Rd, Uxbridge UB8 1U
Registration opens at 1:00 pm and the clock starts at 1:30 pm sharp.
Complimentary tea, coffee and snacks will be available.
Prize Money: 1st prize is £100 and 2nd prize is £60 plus three rating prizes of £30 for each section. Two best female prizes of £30 will also be available for major and minor sections.
In case of a tie, prize money will be shared equally. None will be entitled for more than one prize.
All players must be minimum ECF Gold members and must have FIDE Identification Number (FIN).
Booking: Please pay entry fee to Uxbridge Junior Chess Club,
Sort code:309950 Account No: 42841360
using the first and last name of the player as payment reference.
Once the entry fee is paid, please send
1. First and Last names of the player
2. ECF Rating Code
3. FIDE Identification Number (FIN)
4.Name of Club if any
5. Mobile Number and
6, Chosen Section by email to Abu Hasan, abuhasan.chess@gmail.com or to
Daniel Knight, UxbridgeJuniorChessClub@hotmail.com
No entry will be accepted without the above six information
● Last date of entry: Friday 13 September
● The highest of September ECF and Fide rapid rating will be taken. Standard and Blitz ratings will be considered in absence of rapid ratings.
Chief Arbiter: Mr Michael Flatt. Fide Rapid rules will be followed Arbiter’s decision will be final in all disputes.
Uxbridge Chess Club has the right to amend the structure and prize money if required.
Website: Uxbridge Chess Club